Signs and Symptoms of Digestive Diseases

The signs and symptoms listed below can indicate the presence of a gastrointestinal or liver disease. I am an expert in the investigation and management of such problems.

Gastrointestinal-related symptoms or signs:

  • Diarrhoea and constipation

  • Abdominal pain or discomfort

  • Abdominal bloating

  • Faecal urgency, incontinence and sense of incomplete emptying

  • Difficult swallowing (dysphagia) or painful swallowing (odynophagia)

  • Gastrointestinal bleeding

    • Vomiting blood or coffee-ground material (haematemesis)

    • Black, tarry stools (melaena)

    • Rectal bleeding

  • Iron deficiency and/or anaemia, positive bowel cancer screening test (faecal occult blood test) or abnormal imaging of the digestive tract

  • Family history of bowel cancer or polyposis syndrome

Liver-related symptoms or signs:

  • Abnormal imaging of the liver (i.e. liver lesion, fatty liver, signs of chronic liver disease or cirrhosis etc.)

  • Abnormal blood tests (i.e. liver enzymes or the markers of liver function)

  • Abdominal pain

  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) and associated symptoms such as itch, dark urine and pale stools

  • Other signs of liver failure such as abdominal swelling due to fluid accumulation (ascites), confusion (hepatic encephalopathy) and acute gastrointestinal bleeding (variceal haemorrhage)

Pancreas and biliary related symptoms or signs:

  • Abnormal imaging of the pancreas or biliary tree

  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) and associated symptoms such as itch, dark urine and pale stools

  • Abnormal liver function tests, pancreas enzymes, markers of pancreatic function (faecal elastase) or tumour-markers (CA19.9)

  • Diarrhoea, unintentional weight loss or steatorrhea (fatty, greasy stools)

  • Unexplained diabetes (can be a sign of pancreatic disease)